Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We got Horses!!!

Yesterday we secured a beautiful team of dapple gray work horses and a wagon that seats 20, so come along and bring your juke box money. Oh wait, that's a different song! He has told me he WILL show up, unlike last years calamity.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Calling all Crafters, Producers, Artisans

Our Farm Festival is scheduled for August 8th from 11-4. If you produce a product and are interested send me an email. We are not looking for antiques etc., but handmade products, like candles, pottery, homeade food items, jellies, fabric items etc.
Set-up charge is 10% of your sales for the day. We plan to have a band, horse and wagon rides, kids games, kids riding train etc. Contact me asap, as I try not to duplicate product, so first potter gets in! 507-382-9337